Jumat, 16 Januari 2015

Where to Find Listening Activities For Middle School

Finding listening activities for middle school can be as easy as getting online and doing a search on a website such as Google.com or Bing.com. There are many different websites designed to help teachers with their various classroom activities, ranging from math and science to listening. Many bookstores also carry books about fun and educational things that teachers can do in their classrooms. There might be a teacher resource store near where you live as well if you cannot find any listening activities online that you would like to use in your classroom. Some websites that might have listening activities for middle school kids are as follows:
There are also instructive videos for listening activities on websites such as YouTube.com that can help to give you ideas or even improve your own listening skills. Sites like Amazon.com may also carry books or DVDs that can help you plan classroom activities based on improving listening skills. It is important to have good listening skills in high school and middle school because if a student misses what a teacher says, he or she may get a lower grade on a test. Listening is an important skill to have throughout the rest of the student's life as well.

Ideas for Classroom Activities

When planning to talk about your middle school class about listening, having a fun and engaging activity will help to keep the attention of the students on you, rather than whatever it is that they might distract themselves with. Making a game into a listening activity will also keep kids entertained, especially if they know it is a competition game. Rewarding the game's winners with candy or small prizes can help to motivate the students. Here are some game ideas to get students to listen or to stay quiet:
  • Give oral instructions throughout the class, such as asking the students to draw an animal in a certain corner of a sheet of paper, then rewarding the student with the most correct paper at the end of the class.
  • Playing "the quiet game" in which the teacher challenges the students to see how long they can all go without making any noise, the winner is the last child to speak or make noise.
  • Have students stand in a line and whisper a phrase in the ear of the student in from of them, if the phrase is correct by the time it reaches the end of the line, then the game was successful